Friday, April 14, 2017

#ilovemysisters Challenge!

Hi, everyone! Light4theLord over at started a new challenge that I decided to take part in! The rules were that you take a picture of your dolls together, and share it on your blog with #ilovemysisters! Here is my entry, and I challenge YOU to try it too! I have this sweet one of Ellie and Kit together.

Okay.......well........maybe not every single second. I have two sisters, and I can tell you from experience that things can get pretty heated when we disagree. But we still love each other. Most of the time. 😏


  1. Hey, Natalie, you have my email, so I thought that maybe I could find a way to email you my #ilovemysisters challenge photo.

  2. Sure! Just send it to me, and I can post it! (I bet it will be adorable!)
