Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Hello, fashionistas! It is I, the one and only, Maryellen Faith Larkin! Natalie's on vacation, and she didn't take her laptop. So, I have stolen borrowed her computer to make a post full!! These are all pictures she took of me, me, me! So without further ado, my beauty and fashion!
Here I'm wearing this gorgeous purple ballgown.

 The skirt is super full, and is printed with gold sparkles!

 #Iamsopretty #Loveliestdoll (don't forget to vote for me July 23-29, at Dolls'n'All!

You've seen these but............I love them!!!

Am I fashionable, beautiful, awesome, and attractive or what????????

Some people might just call me conceited, but don't hold it against me that I'm gorgeous.


  1. These are lovely pictures. (See what I did there?) I especially like the first dress. Ellie is so cute! I hope Natalie has a fun time on her vacation. Sadly, I don't plan on voting for Ellie, because I entered Grace! Good luck and may the loveliest doll win!


    1. Thank you, Diamond! I think the first dress might be my favorite, too. (It's springfield brand, in case you were wondering). Natalie got back today-she's going to post the pictures from her vacation tomorrow or the day after. I'd be mad at you for not voting for me, but I really like Grace, so.....may the loveliest doll win! (Good luck to you and Grace, too!)

      ~Maryellen, the Beautiful, Gorgeous, Amazing and Attractive Fashionista!

  2. Your outfit is gorgeous! No, you're not conceited, it's not your fault you're so beautiful. XD

    1. *Flips hair* No, I just can't help it. Thank you!

      ~Maryellen, the Beautiful, Gorgeous, Amazing and Attractive Fashionista!

  3. Aah! Fabulous photos (and fabulous doll, but I shouldn't say that because it will make you more conceited).
    Just kidding. You're not conceited. You're just gorgeous.

    P.S. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! You can find out about it here:

  4. Lovely photos!:) I really like the second one, her dress looks amazing.


    1. Aww, thank you! I really like that one, too.

